SkyDemon Forums

Touch and go planning

By Lozzi - 10/21/2020 4:32:18 PM

This is my first post so I take this opportunity to greet everyone.
I searched the forum before posting, but what I found was not exactly what I'm looking for. The scenario is flight planning from A to B with a touch and go in C, which is in the middle between A and B. Of course I can add C to my route, but how to say to SD that I want to land in C and then proceed to B? I mean, descending, then landing, then climbing again in one single route.

Thanks everybody.

By pilot-byom - 10/25/2020 1:18:46 PM

Performing a touch&go procedure is either low approach like or flying a pattern. When we do training and know we are going to do T&G at a remote airfield, the students lately started to do waypoints for the pattern and do a leg with WP at the two thresholds on airfield elevation. Yes, it is video gaming, but with surprisingly good enough results.