SkyDemon Forums

Multi Device Support

By KimW - 4/28/2021 7:53:13 AM

Tim Dawson - 8/4/2020 9:17:57 AM
The number of signed in devices in SkyDemon is four, comprising two mobile devices and two PCs.

We think we've got it right at the moment, as the vast majority of people seem to be content with the way we do things.

You can even transfer your route to a logged-out device via Airdrop.

I struggling with the same issue. Having 2 Android devices and one PC. I experience that with one Android (tablet), I get signed out of my Android phone. Don't understand why that is, when not exceeding the two?

I would like to add a third backup signed in, but apparently that device then needs to be a PC. That does not make sense to me, that I cannot have a third Android. Suggest to keep it to 4 devices not, specified what operating system it needs to run. If required when at least give a paid option to increase devices, like Netflix.
By grahamb - 4/28/2021 12:52:26 PM

KimW - 4/28/2021 7:53:13 AM
Tim Dawson - 8/4/2020 9:17:57 AM
The number of signed in devices in SkyDemon is four, comprising two mobile devices and two PCs.

We think we've got it right at the moment, as the vast majority of people seem to be content with the way we do things.

You can even transfer your route to a logged-out device via Airdrop.

I struggling with the same issue. Having 2 Android devices and one PC. I experience that with one Android (tablet), I get signed out of my Android phone. Don't understand why that is, when not exceeding the two?

I would like to add a third backup signed in, but apparently that device then needs to be a PC. That does not make sense to me, that I cannot have a third Android. Suggest to keep it to 4 devices not, specified what operating system it needs to run. If required when at least give a paid option to increase devices, like Netflix.

Mobile devices don’t have to be logged in to function as a moving map in navigation mode. It’s what I do - I have two tablets which I use as primary and secondary devices, both logged in permanently. I’ll occasionally log in my two phones to update charts etc, then log in the main tablets again to ‘steal back’ the log-in. 

I have a dual USB outlet in the aircraft, and also carry a couple of power-packs, so running out of battery is not something I generally worry about; one phone is pure backup, the other I use as a traffic device. 
By zach - 4/30/2021 5:18:36 PM

I have just encountered this problem, because I have set up an older tablet as backup device instead of the phone, I used before. I was not aware that the four devices are split into 2:2 mobile/desktop. As my tablets don't have SIM-cards, I need the phone as well to get updated information, submit flightplans etc., when I don't have access to a WiFi.
If you do not consider to release the mobile/desktop splitting of 2:2, I would like to know, whther there is a way to keep the chart and route data up to date on the backup device without kicking out another device.
Or, at least, would it be possible to manage the devices in a way that one can decide, which device is kicked out without getting a surprise at the next start?

One more thing came to my mind. Consider the following scenario:
I was logging in on two devices.
Now I olog in on a third one to update routes and immediately log out afterwards.
Does then still one of my other devices need a login, even if I didn't use them since I logged in with the third one?
By Daniel_KDF - 8/2/2020 9:56:09 AM

Dear Skydemon-Team,

Some of my flying is heavily dependent on Skydemon, especially as it is not required to have most current (airac cycle) paper charts on board. Therefore, I want to make sure that always enough electronic Skydemon devices are up and running. With IPads notoriously shutting down due to heat and batteries on all devices running low, I would like to use all my devices as potential backup. I currently have two tablets (iOS and Android) as well as two phones (business/private, iOS/Android). Right now, it is not possible to use all of them due to your max-two-devices-signed-in restriction.
I understand that you don't want users to share one licence for multiple people. But right now I feel that I can not properly utilize my Skydemon as mentioned above. 

Wouldn't it be possible to support one iOS and one Android ACCOUNT instead of DEVICE to be designed in at once?

With flight data being stored in your cloud, you could still detect if multiple users share one account for simultaneous flights, e.g. in case a club would set up a dedicated iOS account just for sharing one Skydemon licence.

If you could make this change, this would increase the usability for your paying customers and at the same time still protect your business model.

Thank you very much in advance for consideration!