During a discussion with the CAA today about the perils of navigating round a chunk of CAS when you cannot get a clearance, I compared how GA navigates compared with your average Boeing or Airbus. In an airliner you might typically load the flight plan in the FMC/FMGC then copy that into the secondary flight plan and amend and save it to take account of an alternative routing you might get. You could save that just in case. Then if ATC decide to change your expected route you could just activate the secondary, select GOTO the next waypoint in the new route and away you go.
If you hope to cross (say) Birmingham CTR and plan a route through it. is there an easy way with Skydemon to do the equivalent and store an alternative route that could then be activated and joined in the same way? It might be more straightforward to plan the route round the CTR and if given a clearance through then perform a GOTO to the waypoint on the other side of it to take the short cut but that would put more time and distance in the plan than you hoped to need.
Would either of these situations work easily in Skydemon?