SkyDemon Forums

TSA / TRA / MRT color scheme

By Tim Dawson - 12/16/2019 10:44:11 AM

Thanks for the feedback, we will look into whether the Polish TSA should be marked as active by NOTAM. It's that flag which is fading them out; they are actually a blue colour until faded (so they look grey).

The MRTs have been encoded in our database as restricted areas, hence their red colouration. Because they're a Poland-specific thing, we have to find the best fit with a standard airspace type.
By adampl - 12/14/2019 1:21:17 PM

I'd like to suggest a change of the color coding of TSAs, TRAs and MRTs in Poland (SkyDemon chart styles). Currently TSAs and TRAs are depicted in light gray color, while MRTs are red. Which, in my opinion, makes TSAs and TRAs very diffucult to see, while MRTs for some reason are extremely visible. On the other hand, TSAs and TRAs in Czechia are blue. My suggestion would be to mark all special use airspace blue (like in Czechia) or pink (like on DFS-styled chart). Actually, TSAs and TRAs have a perfect pink color on the DFS-styled chart, but for some reason MRTs on the same style are bright red. I would also like to mention that all MRTs, TSAs and TRAs contained in AIP Poland are activated by AUP not NOTAM, in contrary to what SkyDemon is showing.