SkyDemon Forums


By Martin Bech - 12/6/2019 6:49:25 PM

Super with the new short flightplan. On the list I would suggest the Identification / aircraft - just to check if I am sending for the aircraft I am using. We have 4 aircrafts in our flightclub. 

By Martin Bech - 12/11/2019 3:24:36 PM

Tim Dawson - 12/11/2019 11:27:22 AM
I'm not going to add it as a main item in the list for the moment but I've changed the informative text at the top to read:

SkyDemon has filled in the rest of the form for you based on your planned route and profile for GXXXX.

Fine with me for the moment. If you could highlight GXXXX it would be great - thanks!