SkyDemon Forums

Ground speed reporting

By NeilR - 11/13/2019 9:24:52 AM

I have what I hope should be a relatively straight forward enhancement. 
I like many people fly different types of aircraft some report speed in MPH, others in KNOTS, even some maybe in KPH
While I realize you can change the units in the setup menu to whatever you need 

(1) The GS display at the top of the screen does NOT report the unit you have selected
(the only way to know is to go back into the setup menu to check ?) 

(2) What also would be useful as part of the above is to be able to toggle the units by tapping the GS display
(like you do for DST NXT/END and ALT/HT)

Many thanks Neil
By Tim Dawson - 11/27/2019 12:39:50 PM

There isn't room.