SkyDemon Forums

Resolution for phone on tablet Android

By eww - 5/9/2019 9:02:49 AM

I have a "new/other" Android 10" tablet and after installing Skydemon all buttons and other things are very big. It's like it installed a phone version on the tablet. I already tried to reinstall but the problem remains.
I can't find any setting to correct the problem.

Levovo TB-X304F
Android 8.1.0
Skydemon: 3.12.7

I took a picture so you can see the scale:

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you,

By luis-fernandez - 1/8/2025 6:19:28 PM

Erik Wachters - 5/10/2019 12:29:09 PM
Tim Dawson - 5/10/2019 10:27:31 AM
This is a problem with your device, misreporting its physical screen size or DPI. It cannot be resolved within SkyDemon.

Strange because I have no problems with other App's in the same category or any others.

I just bought a new 11" Android tablet and I have the same problem: everything is too big.
I attached some photos.
It's strange: an APP I have just downloaded tells me that the screen is 5.83" ¿?¿?¿?
Can anyone help me?