I fly a Quik GT450 flexwing, and use a iPad Mini 2 to run SkyDemon.
The iPad mini is, I feel, a little too large for the available room on my panel. And it's now, being quite old, beginning to play up a little.
What is the best option to replace it? It needs to have a bigger screen than my IPhone 7, but a smaller one than the iPad mini - and an iPhone XS max, which would probably be perfect with its 6½" screen, is stupidly expensive. There are (quite cheap) 7" tablets available, such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 - but is the screen on that device visible in sunlight conditions? & can it manage up to 10K AMSL in an open cockpit? (Sunlight making the screen difficult to see is actually something of an issue with the iPad mini 2!)
Thoughts welcome
(& sorry if this the wrong sub-forum, but I couldn't see one relating hardware)