SkyDemon Forums

Indication of touch down zone for Whole Aircraft Rescue Parachute Systems (WARPS)

By Marc_17 - 3/16/2019 5:13:47 PM

Glide range ring is already a beneficial feature in SD considering engine out emergency situations.

Beside glide range information, for all aircraft equiped with WARPS (Whole Aircraft Rescue Parachute Systems) such Cirrus aircraft coming with CAPS and all microlights, additional indication of estimated touch down zone using the chute would additionally improve safety in such emergency situations.

Considering engine failues over mountains and (especially in winter) over sea in close vicinity to coast lines you need to decide whether WARPS or emergency landing is the better choice - depending where you hit the ground/water when taking the chute.

Hence additionally to glide range information in SD, an indication of the estimated WARPS touchn down zone which can easily be calculated knowing the current wind conditions and descent rate would significantly assist in taking the best choice and increase safety.

Would be great to get this implemented in SD.