By Tim Dawson - 3/14/2019 10:38:49 AM
What would the warning(s) say?
By pilot-byom - 3/14/2019 12:46:09 PM
+xWhat would the warning(s) say? Maybe it can say 'for those pilots currently not looking outside, there is something outside detected so Skydemon and their crew apologizes for any inconvenience and advice to get your f***ing eyeballs out the window' ?
I agree to a 'something is somewhere out there' message is somehow useless.
By smoothop3 - 3/14/2019 1:14:22 PM
Tim, "Caution, traffic 1000 feet (nearest 100) above/below/level" or something similar.
I am based in Bath and run an OGN-R station with Flarm, PilotAware, ADSB and Mode-S MLAT here. I am about to put one into Wadswick Airstrip and into Henstridge which I believe is near you. I would love to meet personally (to thank you for the wonderful SD!) and to show you where the ground network is and is going. Would that interest you?
By Tim Dawson - 3/15/2019 12:19:23 PM
My problem is if we're saying that every few minutes it devalues the rest of our traffic warnings, which really are intelligent and used seldomly, in order not to annoy the user and make them turn the feature off. The use of the word "caution" might cause alarm when the traffic is over 10 miles away and of no concern whatsoever.
We are fairly local to you, having just moved into new offices in Frome. I'm sure you can pop by sometime for a chat.
By smoothop3 - 3/15/2019 5:30:33 PM
+xMy problem is if we're saying that every few minutes it devalues the rest of our traffic warnings, which really are intelligent and used seldomly, in order not to annoy the user and make them turn the feature off. The use of the word "caution" might cause alarm when the traffic is over 10 miles away and of no concern whatsoever.
We are fairly local to you, having just moved into new offices in Frome. I'm sure you can pop by sometime for a chat. You can set the sensitivity on Pilotaware as a proxy for distance. I have mine set to about 2 miles range. When I hear a warning, I adjust my height a little if the warning is within 500 feet of me. It is startling how often the other plane is behind you - you have had no chance of seeing him.
By Easy Cruising - 4/6/2019 11:39:03 AM
My two penneth: After reading this thread I tried the SD voice alerts today (2 bluetooth headsets attached to Samsung Galaxy 8+ .. works great). I have PAW. I totally agree that too many voice alerts devalues the functionality , and that's why I stopped using the PAW voice alerts. However, the bearingless targets alerting coming from PAW is very useful, perhaps more so than the ADSB based alerts since still not so many aircraft have adsb-out, and the Mode C/S detection is also rather accurrate. Generally I just want an audio alert when a 'circle' of some colour would appear in SD where the wasn't one before. My vote is for :
AREA TRAFFIC NOTICE AREA TRAFFIC ALERT AREA TRAFFIC DANGER then relative altitude if available "800 feet above"
.. with this audio I don't have to scan the mobile device to see if there's a circle, and I know its bearingless because of 'AREA TRAFFIC' rather than just 'TRAFFIC' being said (or use some other phrase).
I dont think it should generate any area traffic alerts when on the ground (which was super irritating using the PAW audio), and doesn't need to alert anything if the same source (aircraft) reduces its 'severity level'. I'd also consider suppressing warnings when on a 'route' and within a certain radius of the start/destination fields, because on any non-deserted airfield you just get tons of warnings from aircraft on the ground or in the circuit (another problem I experienced with PAW voice alerts).
To summarise : if I'm en-route, tell me whenever the danger increases, otherwise stay quiet.
By marioair - 4/22/2019 3:09:09 PM
Another vote for this.
PaW allows you to reduce the number of alerts generated from bearingless contacts.
Having ability to see and hear these on SD would be fantastic. At the moment it's binary choice between SD audio or PaW audio. At the moment the best compromise is to have audio alerts (but no voice) on SD and voice on PaW. It seems a shame not make use of the fantastic voice alerts on SD. If it can accept and read out bearingless alerts as suggested above, leave it to the PaW user to dial down the sensitivity/frequency of alerts!
By Colin Bond - 4/23/2019 2:53:02 PM
I am using both my SkyDemon and PilotAware Rosetta. Both brilliant, compatible and constantly improving – thank you.
Now that both give an audio output, I am plugging leads into the output from both, combining those leads into a dual cable, and plugging it into my Boise headset.
However, I am not sure this is the 'best practice'. Any comment please?
By marioair - 4/23/2019 6:19:40 PM
+xI am using both my SkyDemon and PilotAware Rosetta. Both brilliant, compatible and constantly improving – thank you. Now that both give an audio output, I am plugging leads into the output from both, combining those leads into a dual cable, and plugging it into my Boise headset. However, I am not sure this is the 'best practice'. Any comment please? Colin - don't you end up with traffic alerts coming from both SD and PaW (ie. duplicates?)
By marioair - 4/23/2019 9:30:31 PM
For anyone coming across this thread until Tim works his magic with my Feature request.......
my compromise solution has been to pipe the output from the PaW voice/audio into a passive mixer (belkin 5 way splitter) along with a bluetooth receiver which is paired to my Ipad, running skydemon. SD is set to show bearingless contacts but with traffic off.
The mixed feed then goes into the my garmin GNA audio panel on the self-muting audio line. Seems to work ok as the line levels are broadly well matched and dont appear to over-drive each other.
By Colin Bond - 4/24/2019 6:27:18 AM
+x+xI am using both my SkyDemon and PilotAware Rosetta. Both brilliant, compatible and constantly improving – thank you. Now that both give an audio output, I am plugging leads into the output from both, combining those leads into a dual cable, and plugging it into my Boise headset. However, I am not sure this is the 'best practice'. Any comment please? Colin - don't you end up with traffic alerts coming from both SD and PaW (ie. duplicates?) Not that I have noticed, surprisingly.
By marioair - 4/24/2019 6:37:14 AM
That’s worrying!
By Maverix - 3/14/2020 6:13:54 AM
@TimCould you please give an actual statement?
By DaveWhite - 3/14/2020 3:32:06 PM
@Maverix, Tim did give a statement in the second post of this thread:
We have no current plans to annunciate bearingless targets in SkyDemon, sorry. If you want that functionality you'll have to use the annunciations from PAW itself.
By neilmurg - 3/11/2019 10:30:30 PM
I tried SD today with a Rosetta PAw, using GDL90. PAw connected to the audio panel, SD sound connected via tablet / Bluetooth to my headset (with a different voice). The runway annunciation and airspace warnings were great. GPS traffic worked fine. There was 'traffic' target in the tower, a base station I think, but SD thought it was an aircraft and warned me of it while PAw ignored it. I prefer to also receive the bearingless targets that PAw provides. Any chance that SD could add that as an option? Then I would only need the SD audio into my panel. Otherwise it gets complicated, or I have to use only PAw and lose the airspace / runway stuff. I don't need rings when the targets are announced.
I use the GDL90 protocol with PAw with 2 SDRs, so the weather can be received aloft. My weather tab shows the red dot. I just need to fly over SD HQ or Redhill to get an update. I'll let you know.
SD rocks, thankyou
By TimT - 3/31/2019 2:26:30 PM
+xWhat would the warning(s) say? Maybe the same as the PAw voice alerts would say. E.g., "Traffic Alert, 500 feet, above."
The voice alerts are: 1. "TRAFFIC NOTICE" – Advises you of the presence of a Mode C/S contact at themaximum range for your selected detection setting.2. “TRAFFIC ALERT” – Advises that the aircraft is continuing towards you. Youshould now be maximizing your visual scan guided by the relative height andalso planning and possibly implementing avoiding action. E.g. climbing ordescending to increase separation.3. “TRAFFIC DANGER”- The aircraft is now in relative close proximity and allefforts should be concentrated on a visual scan to locate it, together with anyand all appropriate action to maximize separation 1. "TRAFFIC NOTICE" – Advises you of the presence of a Mode C/S contact at the maximum range for your selected detection setting. 2. “TRAFFIC ALERT” – Advises that the aircraft is continuing towards you. You should now be maximizing your visual scan guided by the relative height and also planning and possibly implementing avoiding action. E.g. climbing or descending to increase separation.
3. “TRAFFIC DANGER”- The aircraft is now in relative close proximity and all efforts should be concentrated on a visual scan to locate it, together with any and all appropriate action to maximize separation
The signal from a Mode C/S transponder increases non linearly as it gets close to, anddiminishes non linearly as it retreats from your aircraft. The absolute signal strengthtransmitted is not a constant for all installations, so PilotAware can only work with relativestrengths. A voice alert is generated as the signal strength from an aircraft known by itsindividual ICAO code, changes between strength bands. The signal from a Mode C/S transponder increases non linearly as it gets close to, and diminishes non linearly as it retreats from your aircraft. The absolute signal strength transmitted is not a constant for all installations, so PilotAware can only work with relative strengths. A voice alert is generated as the signal strength from an aircraft known by its individual ICAO code, changes between strength bands.
Reporting heights and detection sensitivity are user selectable on the Configuration Page ofPilotAware. As the danger passes the annunciations are generally reversed however theymay return should the received signal strength increase again. Alerts are only given as theaircraft transits through to another Zone.
Reporting heights and detection sensitivity are user selectable on the Configuration Page of PilotAware. As the danger passes the annunciations are generally reversed however they may return should the received signal strength increase again. Alerts are only given as the aircraft transits through to another Zone.
By colled - 5/7/2019 9:30:35 AM
Presumably when Pilotaware release their Multilateration feature later this month some/most of the bearingless targets will then have bearings and will be reported by SD? In any case I also think bearingless targets need a voice warning ('Traffic Alert, Warning or Danger" depending on signal strength etc.). Most of the targets out there in a GA environment are bearingless and worth knowing about. I keep having to look at the screen for this traffic as SD does not tell me over the audio. Tim, I know you're not a fan of doing this but perhaps as an option that defaults to Off but allows us that would like it to turn it ON, that would be great!
By Maverix - 3/6/2020 4:31:35 PM
I also would prefer voice alerts for bearingless targets.