SkyDemon Forums

Enhancing the Find Destination functionality

By kakugo - 12/10/2018 9:38:23 AM


I would like to suggest to enhance the filters one can use to "find a destination". For example, when the "Rating, Facilities, Events" option is selected, the only selectable requirement is food!
In particular, it would be very convenient to be able to select only airfields with an AFIS or a Tower. This is particularly true in France, as typically airfields without AFIS or tower require to do the Air-to-air communications in French only, and not everybody is proficient in French... I imagine the same applies to other countries (and languages) as well.

Thank you!
By Dema - 1/26/2020 3:56:13 PM

I agre with the initial proposal to enhance the selecting info. I already requested to put in aircraft section the CUSTOM info (In a specific place) without to read in the airport info document.
On that way you will be able to put this custom info with other selectable info in FindADestination.
I assure that when you are looking an airport to land and you live (for example as me) in Switzerland, that info will be verg useful.
Now that BREXIT is happening shortly, I assure that this info will be very useful also for all 
UK pilot! and viceversa... 😊