+xThis is acknowledged in the very VFR guide:
Le VFR Guide ne reflète actuellement pas entièrement le droit en vigueur et diverge sur certains points par rapports aux informations aéronautiques valides et nécessaires pour la sécurité des vols.
Pour la préparation des vols, on se fiera dès lors impérativement aux publications aéronautiques officielles à savoir à l’AIP, au VFR Manual, aux cartes aéronautiques, aux NOTAM et au Daily Airspace Bulletin (DABS).
I'd say it's not a big deal, the VFR Guide is just a handy compendium of the basic Swiss rules of the air and I never use it to prepare a flight.
Not to be confused with the VFR Manual, which contains much, much more information and it's official.
Thanks a lot for the clarification! I did mixed up the VFR-Guide and VFR-Manual, thanks to a phone call with Skyguide, where the lady told me that only the AIP is officially valid at the moment and no VFR-Guide/Manual should be used. Unbelievable that Skyguide employees didn't know the differences either.
Nevermind, I see no further actions for SkyDemon regarding this issue, so disregard my recommendation to contact Skyguide. Now I actually realize that I always use the VFR-Manual for operational briefings, but never used the VFR-Guide, which is now unvalid.