SkyDemon Forums

RAIM Prediction

By plume_tray - 10/30/2018 6:26:12 AM

Would be great if we could have RAIM prediction/report for a planned route.

With more and more GNSS IFR approaches popping up, there is a mandatory requirement under PBN for crew to check RAIM prediction for GPS units, particularly older models. This can be done online or within the unit itself (e.g GNS430/530).

Integrating this feature would be very helpful to the GA community over the next few years.

I see 2 areas where this could be added. Airfield’s tab and briefing pack. Additionally, under planning settings, would need the ability to adjust the RAIM prediction parameters (e.g Mask Angle etc).

Eurocontrol has an online tool:
By plume_tray - 10/30/2018 11:54:53 AM

You are correct re SBAS models, and I did mention older models. Diminishing yes but that could take many years.

The idea is to streamline flight planning, bring it together into one place - much like NOTAMS and Weather is already. Yes you can do it on the device, but that lengthens the time during pre-flight/startup, time better spent elsewhere. And you would have to do it for each location an approach is required including up to 2 alternates (worst case).

Also, not everyone can afford to upgrade their GPS units, either immediately or at all. For example, updrading to a SBAS enabled GTN650 (x2) will cost most owners ~£30k. If you already have an older non-SBAS unit, theres little reason to upgrade.

So, this is about time and financial savings for pilots/owners.