SkyDemon Forums

Please fix auto-zoom OFF

By Bealeyman - 6/19/2022 7:52:15 PM

I see your reply did not get any likes.
By Bealeyman - 6/19/2022 7:58:21 PM

I see Tim did not get any likes to his reply.
By plume_tray - 10/8/2018 12:15:22 PM

I have auto-zoom setting toggled OFF, but every time I get airborne, the zoom changes automatically which I don't want. This surely must be a bug?

An example, departing Luton in a helicopter, I'm on the ground with engine running, I press Go Flying, it changes zoom to what it thinks I need to use, not always correctly. I have to change zoom to fit the airport AIP plate to show the taxiways I want to read or use. Then just before getting airborne, I manually set the zoom to show the VRPs given in my clearance (e.g. Hyde -> M1 Junc 9 -> M1 Junc 8). Then after getting airborne, the zoom automatically changes again forcing me to change the zoom back to show my VRPs.

Auto-zoom is great if thats what you want it to do, but I have it turned off so it shouldn't be changing. If I've manually set a zoom in flight, I want it to remain as selected so I have complete control. This has been one of my long term annoyances for the last couple of years.

Long time iPad user.