SkyDemon Forums

Block on - off time on debriefing package

By - 9/27/2018 7:57:36 PM

Hello, I have used the new feature of logging engine on and block on and off, which I find brilliant!  
In the debriefing package, I found the start and stop engine times and the block on to block off elapsed time, but cannot find the block on and off times.These are the times I put in my pilot log book. 

Am I missing something or are these times not available in the debriefing pack, or anywhere else for that matter?

By airborne - 4/21/2019 8:57:42 AM

I would also appreciate if the off-blocks and on-blocks time would be included in the 'Share by email' report. While I am paying for the flight time, I am logging the block time.

Sure, I can easily look up the block time of a flight in the app, however, sending the information to myself by mail or to a fellow PIC would be very useful.