Hello chaps - love the product, glad I invested in it!Am creating a VFR plan to fly to Baden Baden from the UK next weekend, via Belgium. We need to cross Koksijde "Let Down" Area which is shown as EB-R24B on the Belgian side of the border within the SkyDemon charts. The part shown on the French side of the border is labelled LF-R24A.
As entry/crossing procedures vary considerably between various Restricted areas, I like to look these up in the relevant national source documents to check prior to flight. I have been able to lookup EB-R24B in the Belgian AIP (using Pamslight via the Eurocontrol website) but could not find LF-R24A in the French AIP. However, I see that the French low-level charts refer to this segment of airspace as EB-R24A, not LF-... so I went back to the Belgian AIP but there is no reference to EB-R24A.
OK so it probably doesn't really matter much in practice, we will simply call Koksi approach and ask for a crossing of the whole cross-border "let down" area (if they are open - it will be on a Saturday) but I thought I would point out the anomaly anyway, and wonder if anyone can set me straight as to a) what the "24A" airspace on the French side of the border should be known as and b) where I can find an AIP entry for it?