SkyDemon Forums

SkyDemon Plates - suggestion for improvement

By T67M - 8/12/2018 7:50:59 PM

The SkyDemon plates are a great resource collecting most of the required information about an airfield together in one place, however it only gives a single runway length, and not the TODA and LDA, and this can make a significant difference. For example, according to both the AIP and their website, Derby (EGBD) runway 23 has a declared length of 523m with TODA 585m and LDA 306m. According to the SkyDemon plate, Derby runway 23 has a length of 547m, which is none of the figures given in the AIP, and certainly not the most limiting!
By Tim Dawson - 8/14/2018 11:36:08 AM

We give the physical runway length. The TODA, TORA, LDA figures etc are provided in the Textual Information document which we provide easy access to.

You may not realise that what you're effectively asking us to do is to copy this data from the AIPs into our own database, and maintain it going forwards. The cost/benefit analysis of doing that is very clear that it's not worth it, sorry.