SkyDemon Forums

Flight Log Analysis - Position and Groundspeed

By SeanKx - 7/10/2018 8:56:01 AM

When a log is opened for analysis and the mouse is hovered over the recorded track line in virtual radar it will show altitude, speed and elapsed time.
Is it possible to do this on the track log on the map itself rather than getting the pop up airspace information? Even better if an indicator dot appeared on the map corresponding with the mouse hover in virtual radar.
By SeanKx - 7/12/2018 12:50:51 PM

Tim Dawson - 7/12/2018 11:51:56 AM
Ok, it seems that Google Earth is able to natively load .gpx files for inspection, which is great. GPX uses metres per second as its native speed units, I believe.

A screenshot