By jollyrog - 5/29/2018 2:42:14 PM
Please will you enable filters for unmanned aerial vehicles and mobile obstacles.
Here down South, NOTAMs are swamped with this rubbish. Anything between 50-80, even a hundred for a 25 mile radius flight from Redhill.
The AIS people are never going to fix this, so please will you help?
By jollyrog - 5/30/2018 10:49:07 AM
A light day then ;-)
I’ve just had a look too, I count: 4 kites 15 UAS 30 obstacles, cranes mostly
The majority of these are <500ft in the built up area. I can’t fly in that area, nor that low.
Cranes and UAs in central london at that height are not a factor, but multiple inclusions in the brief detract from the important stuff.
Yes, I am asking for a filter to hide them. Perhaps by alt/heightt. A pop up safety warning when muting them would be acceptable. I’d suggest 700ft mask, or better, make the alt/height for the mask user defined.
UAS NOTAMs are only going to get worse.