SkyDemon Forums

Fench chart queries

By pink leader - 4/11/2011 8:28:42 PM

A couple of points re French chart.

  1. Paris TMA RT frequency missing when you click inside the Paris TMA area  .. just says Paris controle
  2. Cambraisis RA does not extend down past Rouens and beyond. On Navbox, Pocket FMS and 2010 CA chart it does (cannot check latest CAA chart as at airfield).

Both rather important. Maybe RA has been changed but freq needed. While on this the "click to close" msg sometimes obscure part of the frequency text.


By Anthony-CTSW - 6/4/2011 10:36:52 AM

The Sky Demon charts are correct. On the latest AZBA charts Cambraisis has been changed (7th April 2011) and no longer goes passed Rouen. See AZBA charts on