SkyDemon Forums

Windows GPS drivers - non COM port

By James Morrey - 3/15/2018 11:18:48 PM

Can we please have SkyDemon for Windows supporting built in GPS hardware? There are more and more Windows devices/tablets that can run SkyDemon nicely that have built in GPS receivers that don't act as COM ports, yet SD is unable to use them. In this day and age this seems pretty poor. How hard can it be it get SD for Windows to support a more modern standard for GPS driver? I can't believe that this is in a 'too difficult' pile?!?

P‌lease add this support.‌
By James Morrey - 3/19/2018 7:46:42 PM

Tim Dawson - 3/19/2018 10:28:31 AM
Our Windows product is not really meant for navigation. Get a true mobile device (iOS or Android) and our full apps for those platforms will give you what you need.

With upcoming Windows 10 software and hardware I think there will be a lot more demand for this in the future. I think this is a slightly short sighted view point.

Fingers crossed you have a change of heart!‌