SkyDemon Forums

Feature Request - Set default route saving/loading location

By msouphy - 6/20/2017 7:28:12 PM


A‌s I use Skydemon on multiple devices (like desktop PC for preflight planning, iPad for in cockpit EFB and Android phone as backup EFB), I do most (if not all) of my data saving (waypoints, routes, aircraft profiles, ...) in the cloud.

I‌f I'm not mistaken there is currently no option to set a default save/load location of these data. I find it a bit cumbersome to always have to select "save to cloud" or "open from cloud".

I‌ think it would be a nice feature to allow the user to choose a default save and load location, being "local" or "cloud", and maybe even "both" so that offline access is also guaranteed should an Internet connection not be available at some point.

I kindly thank you for considering this.
