SkyDemon Forums

Kicked out from SkyDemon Forum

By cocoroman - 6/20/2017 8:13:32 PM

MikeTwoOne - 6/19/2017 5:09:21 AM

I‌t's very likely to be a (transient) technical issue, or a side effect of an upgrade.
‌Definitely nothing personal Smile‌‌

H‌i Mike TwoOne,
‌It's been a time, some Moderator didn't like what I was writing. I start to beleive, it can be quite personal.
W‌ell. Life's a Bitch, and then ....
By cocoroman - 6/18/2017 11:42:06 AM

Hi, today something weird happened, I was kicked out from SD Forum and it was written: 
The following problem occurred...

‌The account you are logged in with does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested page.
‌ It could be you've not fully activated your account via the activation email or the community administrator has restricted access to this page.
‌You can login below using a different account if needed or return ot the previous page.

Return to previous page...
ow nice, thanks being a member (Client) ..