SkyDemon Forums

New "What's Here" works great... while there is airspace

By Tim Dawson - 5/30/2017 11:22:34 AM

We are open to ideas...
By Gax - 5/25/2017 9:52:37 AM


I really love the new ‌What's Here function - Being able to see all the critical data for a point in a single touch is possibly the best single enhancement I've seen since I started using SD.  O‌f particular use is the fact that I can see not only the airspace but also the *elevation* ‌for that point.  Interrogating the elevation is a feature I have been wanting for ages, so was very pleased when it was included in the airspace stack view.  This is particularly useful in mountainous areas where you want to check the altitude of ridges and passes (whereby max height in the area is not useful), allowing you to prepare in advance for safety heights or compare against cloud levels, etc.

‌‌This works brilliantly... until you fly in a remote mountainous area with no airspace (e.g. western Scotland), at which point the whole stack display disappears, and with it the elevation.

Whilst I can understand that it's a waste of screen real-estate to show‌ a blank stack of airspace, it seems a pity to lose this key bit of info.  It's also worth noting that elevation doesn't show up on the mobile versions because the airspace stack isn't displays.  Would it be possible to show the elevation somewhere to the What's Here screen so that it isn't lost just because the airspace is clear?