SkyDemon Forums

EHTW Twenthe Airport reporting points

By FrancisHenninger - 3/30/2017 12:55:13 PM

Good day, 

I‌ noticed today that the old reporting points are still on the ‌Netherlands charts for Twenthe Airport, whereas the new ones are missing.
T‌he old points Whiskey, Bravo, Hotel, Echo, Lima are no longer valid and are replaced by Tango, X-ray, Yankee, Oscar. See also the (new) VFR approach chart:

P‌ossibly, it got missed due to the slow change from a military airport (with limited civil use) to a civil airport. ‌

By FrancisHenninger - 4/4/2017 4:14:47 PM

Tim Dawson - 4/4/2017 3:00:40 PM
My colleague informs me we have been in contact with AIS Netherlands and the points will be included in our next chart update. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Thanks, looking forward for the chart update Smile