SkyDemon Forums

SkyDemon Plan calculated groundspeed seems too high

By mic360 - 11/2/2016 10:58:00 AM

One a PC prepared flightplan (SkyDemon Plan  I consistently see groundspeeds that seem about 3 to 5 knots too high as opposed to what I calculate with an E6B:

TT      W/V    IAS WCA    GS(SkyD)    GS(E6B)
099   240/10   80     5           91              87
178   240/10   80     4           78              75
258   240/10   80    -2           74              70
334   240/10   80    -7           84              80

I had set IAS to 80, and W/V explicitly to 240/10. Alt in all cases is 3000.

Am I missing something - or is this a error ?

By mic360 - 11/2/2016 12:42:58 PM

Exactly - many thanks for pointing that out.