By rbaggerman - 10/7/2016 9:29:24 AM
Ever since upgrading to iOS 10 I have issues losing my location data (Waiting for Location Data) in Skydemon during flights, sometimes it works for a couple of minutes but not stable anymore like with iOS 9.x. I am in contact with at least 4 other members of our flying club wo are experiencing the same behaviour. It’s really strange, sometimes having location data for e.g. 30 minutes but sometimes you are not able to keep location data for 5 seconds. Of course during the whole time the GLO keeps fix and the bluetooth connection stays active!
The equipment we are using is: - iPad mini (2) with iOS 10.0.2 - Garmin GLO with with latest firmware 2.80 (also 2.70 was tested) - Skydemon version
Extra info, one of the other guys already downgraded his iOS back to latest iOS 9 to see if stability returns.
Any other people having the same stability issues?
By Tim Dawson - 11/7/2016 10:03:49 AM
I think this thread has run its course. Blaming SkyDemon for problems that arise from your own hardware configuration is not on, and is a poor choice of where to direct your frustration. Much as we would love to mount a crusade on behalf of our affected users, we actually have a full schedule of work to do on SkyDemon.
If anyone else comes across this thread, the issue has been confirmed to be a bluetooth one between Apple and Garmin devices.