SkyDemon Forums

German IFR Charts ( Vertical and Horizantal Problem with Samsung Tab2)

By judge - 9/29/2016 7:53:14 AM

Dear SkyDemon Team,
I'm using a Samsung Tab S2, and when I want to get German IFR plates. something strange is happening.
Is it my Tablet or is there a bug in Skydemon.
When I’m holding my tablet horizantal I see just the text
and when I’m holding my tablet vertical I see the chart.
(pictures attached)
best regards

By judge - 9/30/2016 12:45:29 PM

Tim Dawson - 9/30/2016 10:37:32 AM
That is a PDF created by a third party. Its display, although launched from SkyDemon, is nothing to do with us I'm afraid. It'll be whatever PDF reading software you are using on your Android device.

Hi Tim
It was the onedrive reader and I changed it to adobe and now its doing what I want.
