By thornend - 8/19/2016 12:19:10 PM
I have entered a private airstrip as a user waypoint, since I fly there quite frequently. Planning and navigation work fine both to and from this point. However, looking at the the track logs afterwards, Skydemon substitutes the name of the nearest airfield (in fact a heliport - would be interesting an PA28!) instead of the name of the user defined airstrip. This happens whether the user waypoint is the point of departure or the destination. This only happens on the track logs, so it is quite a minor point. However, it would be good to have the right name if that is possible.
Using Skydemon for iPad
By Tim Dawson - 8/25/2016 11:32:15 AM
It would only appear on your own chart.
Shifu, no, you can't just convert one. By "all the data" I assume you mean its name and coordinate, which is really all the data user waypoints have. Airfields, on the other hand, contain lots of data.