SkyDemon Forums

When do the approach charts appear in map ?

By drnicolas - 8/12/2016 8:05:13 AM

For the german Airports there is a significant increase in comfort with the new Patterns visible in the main map -even without the separate purchased AIP.
AFAIK they appear when zooming in to a certain scale.
On the other side in other countries the AIP- Chart appears only when I am pretty Close to the Destination Airport.
Both - the scale when the circuit pattern appears and the distance when the Chart appears seem not completely satisfying for me.
i would love to have it appear earlier/ at bigger scales.
Is there a Setting available, where I can configure the map scale and/or the distance when more deatiled Information appears ?
By Tim Dawson - 8/12/2016 2:05:18 PM

Perhaps you could give an example of a route into a specific airfield, where you believe the approach chart appears automatically too late for you? Are you aware you can show them manually at any time?