SkyDemon Forums

Chart Traffic Circuit diagram vs. Georeferenced Chart - Two are better than one ?

By pseudonym - 4/30/2017 8:19:04 AM

First of all, congratulations for the excellent work!

As a german who subscribed for the DFS-plates, I am beginning to change my mind and I will not renew my subscription for the following reasons:
-for most of the airports, the traffic pattern is self-explanatory: 1000ft agl (800ft if there is controlled airspace above), size to allow 3deg angle path from mid-downwind, avoid villages. That's it.
-only left or right hand circuit preference has to be determined. For this, the pattern scheme visible at scales<250000 is perfectly well suited.

-other informations (fuel, open to aircraft, ultra-/microlight, ppr) ar crucial, but are not shown on the plate. They can be found at airports/all documents/paid docs, dfs/list of aerodromes. Hint: send it to you or anybody else by mail, tap on the pdf and choose "import to skydemon" to have it permanently at .../all docs/user docs.

The georeferenced plates have disadvantages: when they offer advantages over the diagram/scheme which SD offers on his map, that is at very large scales near the airport, the redrawing doesn't always keeps up with the changing position, thus it's useless.

I too would suggest to make georeferencing facultatively. But the toggle switch has to be placed prominently at the "airports" tab not to be overlooked.

Some questions concerning an expired subscription:
The plates can not be downloaded again, I guess.
Do they stay on the device until the cache is cleared?
Do they survive an SD update?
What happens to the traffic pattern diagram/scheme?
Do you give these diagrams to non-DFS-subscribers?

Lengthy post, sorry for that - english posts become stilted very easily, lack of language skills.
By Tim Dawson - 5/2/2017 12:29:33 PM

DFS Plates are only available to people who subscribe to them, and only while that subscription is active.

Our own vector diagrams of traffic pattern‌s and guidance are available to all subscribers as a standard part of our chart.‌
By Jalafu - 5/21/2017 5:30:16 PM

Hi Tim,

I share the opinion that the possibility of disabling the automatic loading of the DFS charts would be a very nice & safety enhancing feature. Often the plates take quite a while to load in navigation mode on Android devices (there is a seperate thread on this topic); this clutters the screen, makes Skydemon itself (subjectively) slower and needs at least two actions (swiping to the red X & pressing it) during approach where you should better keep your eyes mainly outside. Nevertheless I like to take a look at the plates for approach briefing, so deleting them is not an option for me.

T‌herefore a chance of disabling the automatic loading would be (at least for me) a sufficient workaround for the slow chart loading on Android devices without havong to delete them.

B‌est regards from Nuremberg
Jan Lars 
By Mike@EDTG - 7/22/2016 10:19:24 AM


First of all - thanks for the inclusion in the recent german charts. In the majority of approaches/departures there is no need for more information as pictured in these chart traffic circuit diagrams, except maybe for the traffic circuit altitude (which is depicted < 50k zoom only, maybe 100k would be an option). Hence the automated display of the georeferenced chart adds no further level of information & it often needs some loading time too. So a disable option on automated georeferenced chart loading would be helpful. What do you think about it ?

best regards
