SkyDemon Forums

Different MSA on reverse legs

By JanR - 6/27/2016 10:53:57 AM


during planning I noticed, that the MSA ist different for identical but reversed legs.
e.g. BOT NDB to DOMEG shows only MSA 2.200, on the reversed leg (DOMEG => BOT)  it is 2.300. 
For the leg Essen to BOT (2.300) it is even 300 ft less on the reverse leg. Why?

(PC Version & latest Android  Version)

Thanks & Regards
By Tim Dawson - 7/4/2017 2:58:57 PM

You are welcome to post a thread regarding this change in our Suggestions forum. I believe that we had at least one complaint in the past when we allowed an obstacle that the user deliberately planned to turn before, to greatly influence the MSA of both the before and after leg. I can see how you might want it to, but our behaviour has been consistent for quite a long time now.