SkyDemon Forums

Real time wind

By Hans Nielsen - 5/19/2016 7:01:50 AM

Is there any possibilities that you can make the feature when using SkyDemon live, that it will calculate wind based on the input when climbing in upwind as a Glider ? Can also be usefull if you just make 2 ore more circle in a regular plane as SkyDemon do not incorporate real time heading information.

Best Regards
Hans Nielsen
By ckurz7000 - 5/19/2016 1:05:55 PM

Real time wind measurements are, as you say, impossible without accurate heading information. And how many people will actually fly an accurate circle for getting wind information? I wouldn't, because I already have a pretty good idea what the wind is doing when I am cruising along and wouldn't waste the time to fly in circles.

-- Chris.