SkyDemon Forums

QuikR Aircraft Profile

By FlyingPastor - 4/6/2016 11:38:29 AM

Can anyone tell me if this is ok? I'm flying a weight shift and it is only the CoG of the wing that matters so, on the assumption I don't load the wing, then the calculations are only useful for calculating weight. Hence I've set up my loading points to have an arm (lon) of 150, chosen because my trike is 2.9m long and that would be the midpoint roughly (not that it matters in the slightest), and then my acceptable loading envelope is simply based on minimum and maximum weight with an arbitrary set of horizontal values either side of 150, and looks like this: 100.00,225.0, 100.00,450.0, 290.00,450.0, 290.00,225.0

Does that seem a sane way to use the system?
By ckurz7000 - 4/7/2016 7:33:42 AM

If you're only going to use SD to check for MTOW, that's perfectly OK. Just enter an envelope and tank position which will keep the CoG inside of it, regardless of the fuel weight.

-- Chris.