SkyDemon Forums

Zurich TMA, new HR of Service and Frequency

By psuter - 4/5/2016 8:10:35 PM

since march 31 two of zurichs tma's have now new hours of operation and they have new frequencies assigned for crossig requests.
the tma's in question are tma 14 and 15 as shown on the image below. in order to request crossing or activity information, one now needs to contact Zurich Terminal 127.75 instead of Zurich Information 124.7.

please update this information in your charts on the next update.
kind regards
By acassata - 5/14/2016 4:42:47 PM

This point seems to be fixed. Unfortunately, in the SkyDemon chart for those airspaces, the frequency (of Zurich Terminal) is wrong. Correct 127.750 instead of 127.150.

Operationally speaking:
I think to gain access to those airspaces at arrival or transit you have to contact Zurich INFO. Zurich INFO will maybe redirect you to Zurich Delta or Zurich Terminal. At departure, you are in contact with Tower, which should give you the frequency to contact. In any case, I do not think you will obtain such clearance in VFR.