SkyDemon Forums

No warning sound when airspace/obstacle ahead

By citylight - 11/17/2015 2:53:33 PM


I am using SkyDemon on my iPad mini and iPhone 6. I have problems to get audio warning when entering controlled airspace or if terrain is ahead. I can see only the message on the display. I have tried it only in Simulation mode.

And yes: audio/ringtones are both set to max :-).

I assume there is sound support, or am I wrong?

Thanks and regards,
By LukasK - 5/10/2018 4:17:23 PM

Tim Dawson - 5/10/2018 11:11:35 AM
It's probably that your alert volume has been turned down (a hardware setting, not in SkyDemon). Our support will know more if you can't find that setting.

I just realised that under Settings >  there is a alert volume bar. its not the same as the normal sound volume that you can change with the two buttons on the side.