SkyDemon Forums

LFTF CO description incomplete

By acassata - 11/12/2015 4:30:19 PM

Hello SD team,

For the airfield Cuers Pierrefeu (LFTF), the description of the VFR report point CO is incomplete: you have just written "Carrefour" (which means crossroads). The full description in the Visual Approach Chart is:
- "Collobrieres Carreffour 1 NM W du village"
- or "Collobrieres Crossroads 1NM W of village"
Note that, in the official document in this description, the name of the village is wrong: the grave accent on the first 'e' is missing.

In summary, the full description sould be:
- in French, "Collobrières Carreffour 1 NM W du village"
- or, in English, "Collobrières Crossroads 1NM W of village"
By Tim Dawson - 11/17/2015 11:15:02 AM

In that case, we are pretty happy with the way we currently display these VRPs and in our opinion it is far from "useless" as you state above, to have a VRP shown exactly where it is relative to yourself on a GPS map.