SkyDemon Forums

FIS frequency displayed on the map

By Dema - 9/12/2015 5:11:16 PM

When I click over a point in the map, now you can see some frequencies in combination with airspaces. Perfect!
But I don't see FIS frequency, although it's an important freq.
E.g. In Italy, when you fly from Lugano to Genova, you spend a lot of time talking with Milano Information. At beginning with 124.925 and near Genova switching to 128.925.
To get these freq. you have to go to the pilot log. Better would be if you could get these freq. directly clicking on the map.
In the example of Milan area you have two different frequencies. Where to use the first and where the second? In which area?
If you get this freq from the map no doubt which you have to use.
May be is there an option, that I didn't found, to activate it on the map?

Thanks in advance

By Tim Dawson - 10/5/2015 12:11:20 PM

We have NOT said that FIS boundaries will be visible on the main map. You have been misinformed, I'm afraid. They should appear in the What's Here menu though when you inspect the map.