By DirDej - 8/20/2015 6:06:16 AM
During a recent flight I noticed a considerable difference in depiction of streams, canals and rivers between Belgium and France for example. Flying back from Calais, I noticed some very prominent blue lines on the charts that were in reality very small ditches, easily jumped over. On the other hand a canal 30meters wide near point N for EBKT is not even shown even if it is a very prominent landmark and very useful for navigation. You can notice that most of the blue lines on the chart in the NW corner of France stop at the border. The geographical data for France and Belgium doesn't seem to come from the same source. I want just the bare essentials on the maps (my preference). Highways, canals and navigable rivers, railways and larger cities. The aeronautical information is prominent of course. I would also like to get rid of the 'information balloon' next to destination and departure airports since this is now redundant with the new style info in the vertical view.
By goingupintheworld - 9/9/2015 6:33:15 PM
I have SkyDemon on a PC running XP. The only chart I use is for the UK. No canals appear on this in either Plan or my SD Mobile.