SkyDemon Forums

Antwerp EBAW - a number of VRPs missing

By pschartau - 4/28/2015 9:51:21 AM

Coming back from Friedrichshafen we stopped at Antwerp and noticed a number of VRPs are not shown in SkyDemon. Mainly the ones shown on chart EBAW.VAC.02 "Appendix to Visual Approach Chart". SkyDemon is missing ALBER, PORTA, KALLO, KONTI and RUPEL.
Antwerp Tower actually sent us to ALBER so it was back to good old eyes out of the cockpit and finding the motorway bridge over the canal!

By Tim Dawson - 4/28/2015 12:21:48 PM

Thanks, I will pass this on to the person responsible and we will get them included in this week's chart amendment. We will also review our procedure to ensure VRPs in this type of document are not missed in the future.