Tim Dawson (3/27/2015)
When you pointed to the instrument at the bottom of the screen and said "there", what did he say?
Firstly, he said "where?" - so when I explicitly pointed it out to him he thought it was 'too cluttered to be that clear, and too small to see easily'. He then dragged the DI off into the map and of course, the BRG numeric then disappears so he was then looking how to get it back. I had to snap it back to the baseline to get the numeric back. And of course, when you actually fly the correct BRG, it also disappears until you wander off.
I hope if you say the next release will be clearer that it IS more useful. My friend has now bought a SD sub after I demonstrated all of the plus points, but we concur that this is one thing (perhaps the ONLY thing) we both don't like - at all. Sorry.
As an alternative, why not have a setup option that allows you to select whether you want BRG in the DI or under the TRK instrument? Then use app diagnostics reporting to see where people prefer it?