By mpatrickw - 11/7/2014 9:31:36 AM
I've waded through everything I can find online on the pros and cons of Powerflarm and, correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem to be the answer. Much negative comment on how much traffic Powerflarm misses. Not effective for Mode C returns I gather. I understand their logic in not trying to display location rather than relative height but without this and missing Mode C returns, what's the point? It seems to have gone quiet on the possibility of Skydemon integration with Zaon? I don't have any traffic warning kit and am ready to spend around £1k on a solution that really works on Skydemon and iPad mini, but can't see what is worth paying for right now. I also don't really want a large black box on the coaming restricting forward view and it seems daft to have this when the goal is a display on the iPad. I realise Powerflarm do the remote Core box, but unconvinced PF is the way to go. So, is there a solution that displays traffic, inc Mode C, that returns accurate height and preferably relative bearing information that works? Or is this an unrealistic expectation without conventional expensive certified kit? I'd appreciate advice on what works with Skydemon and is available now. Also, if the Zaon integration is under development and when it is likely to be available? Is integration possible or likely with the Zaon MRX as this takes up less space in the cockpit?
By Tim Dawson - 1/2/2018 10:45:11 AM
I don't think so. We were going to look at the possibility of integrating with Zaon devices but then they went out of business, so we certainly won't be doing it at this stage.