SkyDemon Forums

VFR Routes software 3.1.1

By Johann - 10/21/2014 9:08:22 PM

After installing the new release of the 3.1.1  the VFR Routes in the Alps are changed.
Before they were green (now grey o.K) but very sad the numbering is gone.
By mean before it was easy to intentify the part of the VFR route by the number corresponding  to the
Austrian GAFOR number
The numbering is reased  but why ??
You give up a valuable information. If anybody does not like the number, one click at the
box VFR Route and it is swiched off.

PLEASE bring the number of the VFR Routes in the Alps back. IT SAVES LIVE
Thanks Johann

By Tim Dawson - 10/23/2014 4:17:44 PM

The numbers are still there, just touch the map to see them.
Also, you will note that as soon as you plan a route, the actual GAFOR forecasts are now incorporated into the map.