SkyDemon Forums

SD 3.1.0 (on iOS 8.0.2) activates screensaver in flight

By markus - 9/29/2014 7:40:02 AM


I used SD over the weekend quite extensively and encountered, that it activated my iPad's screensaver/lock after a while of inactivity.
This never happened before the iOS update. I cannot exactly say how long it took to darken my screen - but it definitely is problem, as I need to swipe to unlock, enter my PIN, ... just to have a look at the map again.

If there is a setting I screwed up or I just need to change, let me know - but I fear, it is another iOS 8(.0.2)-induced problem. 

By stevelup - 10/20/2014 7:28:14 AM

I have never had my device sleep in flight - SD definitely keeps it awake regardless of the timeout settings.

All I can think is that either...

1) SD crashed - was it still running when you went back to it?
2) Someone accidentally bumped the home or power button