SkyDemon Forums

Obsolete (German VFR) plates after updating?

By markus - 5/29/2014 9:29:01 AM


I want to use SkyDemon on my iPad also as an EFB carrying all plates of interest for the region I go flying.
Therefore I've downloaded all the German DFS Visual Charts (add-on) among others (IFR, France, ...). Every now and then, I updated the standard AIP downloads via the "Download All" button and update the "DFS German VFR AIP" via the download product button.

Now, I noticed, that there is still an approach plate remaining, which should have gone after the "update". Egelsbach (EDFE) changed its runway designator from 09/27 to 08/26. Still, the very first approach plate available is an outdated HPA approach chart showing everything for RWY 09/27 (see attachment Foto1 and Foto2). I think this plate got replaced by the plate shown in Foto3.

  • Is this a problem with the data provider (DFS)?
  • Do you just provide a superset of plates from your server?
  • Or is this just a remaining old plate I had on the iPad before performing the download?
    In this case: If I'd need to clear the cache of all plates before doing an update/download all, this is would be very unsatisfying, since the plates (VFR+IFR) from the few countrys I'd like to fly to and carry with me already take a lot of time to download. (And why download everything again, if nothing changed...)
The EDFE plate should just be an example of the problem I noticed; maybe there are even more plates affected. When I go flying, I want to have to most recent plates (and only those) with me. BTW: obsolete plates are filtered (Filter settings).

Please let me know how to make sure, I only have the latest plates when flying.

Thank you!


By Tim Dawson - 6/2/2014 4:57:09 PM

Thank you. I have a pending enquiry with DFS because I suspect the way they send us updates can sometimes result in old plates being left around, and this is a helpful report. I have chased them, and also asked for immediate clarification on EDFE plates so we can correct them as soon as we receive a response.