SkyDemon Forums

Drop Zones?

By peastlake - 4/15/2014 8:45:16 PM

Is it me, or did SD (at least on my iPad) used to show the limits of parachute DZ's with a circle similar to (but not the same as) a ATZ - and now doesn't?

Same applies to glider sites - there's just a glider symbol shown on the chart with no depiction of the limits of the "launch zone" - and I thought there was.

I get rather nervous about these "sporting areas" & obviously want to avoid for safety reasons, especially as radio contact can be "intermittent" - but at the same time I want to ensure my routes are as efficient as possible. & not give an unnecessarily wide berth.
By Tim Dawson - 8/25/2014 7:01:29 PM

Can you show an example of where you believe them to be hard to see?