SkyDemon Forums

Runway Circuit

By Roger.Wilco - 10/3/2010 2:23:08 PM

Hello, I'm trying to build custom data for Italian air strips/fields.

Since (amongst the other data) I also have information on the traffic circuit (left or right) for every runway and I don't seem to find where to store this information in the i.airfields.runways.csv file, I wanted to know if I'm missing something or if simply this information is not dealt with.

If so, I think it would be a useful piece of information to be added, wouldn't it?


By Tim Dawson - 10/4/2010 10:59:11 AM

Hello Enrico,

Unfortunately at the moment you are correct, SkyDemon does not have anywhere to store the circuit direction information for a runway. We would like to do this, though, so hopefully you'll see this feature appear in a future version. Thanks very much for your feedback.