SkyDemon Forums

Problems with Flarm on Ipad

By DerekL - 4/8/2014 12:24:06 AM

Skydemon on ipad 2 with powerflarm core. Latest software version on Ipad and Skydemon. The Ipad connects to the butterfly connect network with correct key.This can be seen in ipad setup wifi. Sometimes Skydemon works first time via powerflarm go flying and then drops out with error mesage "lost GPS signal" then "Failed to establish a connection with the Butterfly connect unit"
Nothing I then do will re-establish contact even rebooting ipad and Flarm core. Next time I try it works or not. Skydemon works fine with normal Go Flying. Tried new ipad but no different.Any ideas?
By Attxell - 11/28/2014 2:37:21 PM

Hello to everybody,
I am going to install a Flarm system to use it with Ipad mini as display;
are there any news about the problems discussed in this thread?


Attilio Bellachioma