SkyDemon Forums

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By pink leader - 9/29/2010 6:19:45 PM

I can see how to change the minimum Runway length. But the microlight & glider sites do not have runway lengths. The glider sites have long runways and in emergency are happy to take anyone.

Is there a way of including these sites   .. say by setting min distance to 0? If not can we please have tickboxes to include them in the list of nearest sites.



By pink leader - 10/1/2010 3:16:44 PM

Garmin Waypoints

The link above refers to files that, I believe, formed the original source for the Garmin 495/6 database. They are a bit old now but many do not move!

I have a feeling that something similar was done for France. Also there is a French VFR software programme doing similar stuff to SD. I can get a reference to it I think.

Anyone else have firmer data/links?
