SkyDemon Forums

Aspect Ratio

By pink leader - 9/14/2010 1:20:01 PM

Hve just got a Mio v735. It has a 7" screen with 16:9 aspect ration. But circular ATZs etc all look stretched widthways. Any way to deal with this either in SD or in WinCE?

Richard A  .. you have such a device (and thanks for help on installation which went very smoothly). Is yours "stretched" too?


By pink leader - 9/15/2010 1:47:37 PM

Here are images. First is mio & then navigon. Screen resolutions are different. Navigon is 480 X 272. Mio is 800 X 480.

You can see ATZ is stretched widthways

Here its definitely circular!

Sorry re picture quality. But you can see the difference.

Dont know if there is any tweak that can be done. Also its easy to live with the effect.

400NIT screen of navigon is also quite apparent.
